Monday, December 05, 2005

I'm taking my ball and going home!


Hours after New Orleans officials announced Tuesday that they would deploy a city-owned, wireless Internet network in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, regional phone giant BellSouth Corp. withdrew an offer to donate one of its damaged buildings that would have housed new police headquarters, city officials said yesterday.

I always knew phone companies were some of the many ugly, red, sources of all evil in the world, but this temper tantrum is just wrong.

I always find it interesting how primal a company's reaction is to developments that might nip at their business model. And this is even MORE true when that company owns a monopoly. It would seem to me that in the long run, BellSouth would be better served by the public opinion AND the bottom line if instead of crying and taking their toy away so nobody else could play with it they would, oh I don't know, offer to implement the wi-fi for the city. It might not be their primary area of expertise (that would be gouging the customer for all they can), but they are a freaking communications company, it's not that far of a leap.

Oh well, enough ranting. I don't think this textbox would hold enough characters if I started getting into all of the other companies/organizations that do this...Microsoft, AT&T in it's day, the movie and music industry, etc...


"The Proof is in the Spell Checker"
I just ran spell checker on this and the dictionary did not have an entry for "BellSouth". First suggestion: "bullshit"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:50 AM  

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